Artist Index
Names included here have at least one music video in the Tiny Visions archive.
- 3 The Hard Way
- 4 Corners
- 47 Diamantes
- 48May
- 4Eulogi
- 4th Element
- 50Hz
- 5star Fallout
- Aaradhna
- Able Tasmans
- Addison
- Adeaze
- Adi Dick
- Aerial
- Age Pryor
- Airspace
- AKA Brown
- AL
- Al Hunter
- Alastair Riddell
- Aldous Harding
- All Left Out
- Alphrisk
- Amber Claire
- An Emerald City
- Andrew Fagan
- Andrew Mockler
- Andy Lovegrove
- Angel Dust
- Anika Moa
- Anji Sami
- Anna Coddington
- Annabel Fay
- Annah Mac
- Annie Crummer
- Antiform
- Arms Reach
- Artisan Guns
- Atlas
- Audio Empire
- Augustino
- Autozamm
- Avalanche City
- avoid!avoid
- Awa
- Baby Bash
- Babylon Riddim
- Bachelorette
- Badd Energy
- Badtown
- Bailter Space
- Baitercell
- Bajka
- Bang! Bang! Eche!
- Barry Saunders
- Batucada Sound Machine
- Beastwars
- Beatrootz
- Before Friday
- Bembe Segue
- Ben King
- Ben Lummis
- Ben Novak
- Beneath The Silence
- Bennett
- Betchadupa
- Betty-Anne
- Bex Bexasty
- Bic Runga
- Bike
- Bilge Festival
- Bill Direen
- Bird Nest Roys
- Black River Drive
- Blackjack
- Bleeders
- Blindspott
- Bling
- Bobbi Soxx
- Bobbylon
- Boh Runga
- Bored Games
- Bradd Marquis
- Breaks Co-Op
- Breathe
- Bressa Creeting Cake
- Brian Platt
- Brooke Fraser
- Brotha D
- Bruce Conlon
- Brutally Frank
- Bryan Bell
- Bulletproof
- Cairo Knife Fight
- Camillia Temple
- Carly Binding
- Cassette
- Charlie ASH
- Chazz Valentine
- Che Fu
- Cherie
- Chong Nee
- Chris Knox
- Cicada
- Cinema
- Cinematic
- City Newton Bombers
- Claire Falloon
- Clap Clap Riot
- Clearlight
- Cliff Hedley
- Cloudboy
- Cobra Khan
- Coco Solid
- Collapsing Cities
- Colliding Traits
- Come To Dolly
- Computers Want Me Dead
- Concord Dawn
- Confucius
- Connan And The Mockasins
- Connan Mockasin
- Cornerstone Roots
- Cosa
- Cosmic Rays Of Death
- Craig McKenzie
- Crash
- Crashpolitic
- Crowded House
- Crumb
- Cut Off Your Hands
- Cydel
- Cyphanetik
- D-Faction
- D-Super
- D2S
- Daecolm
- Dam Native
- Damien Binder
- Dan Black
- Dane Rumble
- Daniel Merriweather
- Daniel Munro
- Dark Harmony Regime
- Dark Tower
- Dave Dobbyn
- Dave Letoa
- Dave Yetton
- David Dallas
- David Kilgour
- David Parker
- dDub
- Deach
- Dead End Beat
- Dead Flowers
- Dean Chandler
- Deceptikonz
- Deep Obsession
- Definite & Bling
- Dei Hamo
- Deja Voodoo
- Del Rey System
- Delanis
- Deluxe Boy
- Detour
- Devolo
- Diana Rozz
- Dianne Swann
- Dictaphone Blues
- Die! Die! Die!
- Dimmer
- Dirty Sesh
- Disasteradio
- DJ Fitchie
- DJ Raw
- Don McGlashan
- Donald Reid
- Doppler
- Doublehappys
- Dribbling Darts
- Dub Asylum
- Dubhead
- Dubious Bros
- Duchess
- Duff
- Dukes
- Eight
- Ejector
- Elemeno P
- Eliza Jane
- Elle
- Elston Gun
- Emma Paki
- Emulsifier
- En Masse
- Epsilon Blue
- Erakah
- Ermehn
- Esther Melody
- Ethical
- Evermore
- Evolver
- Eye Tv
- F in Math
- False Start
- Falter
- Family Cactus
- Fang
- Fantasing
- Fast Crew
- Faster She Said
- Fatal Jelly Space
- Fazerdaze
- Features
- Feleti Strickson-Pua
- Finsta
- Fiona McDonald
- Fistful Of Gems
- Flip Grater
- Flow On Show
- Flowz
- Fly My Pretties
- Foamy Ed
- For Da Grind
- Fou Nature
- Fred Dagg
- Friends From Sweden
- Frisko
- Frontline
- Fuce
- Fuemana
- Fur Patrol
- Fuser
- Garageland
- Gareth Thomas
- Gasoline Cowboy
- Gemma Russell
- Ghost Wave
- Gin Wigmore
- Golden Axe
- Goldenhorse
- Goodnight Nurse
- Goodshirt
- Grace
- Graham Brazier
- Gramsci
- Grand Prix
- Gravity
- Grayson Gilmour
- Greatest Hits
- Greg Fleming
- Greg Johnson
- Greg Johnson Set
- Hallelujah Picassos
- Halucian
- Hamish Kilgour
- Hang Loose
- Hannah Donald
- Haylee Fisher
- Head Like A Hole
- Headless Chickens
- Heavy Jones Trio
- Hello Sailor
- Hepaklypz
- Hera
- Herbs
- High Dependency Unit
- Hilt
- Hinewehi Mohi
- Hoi Polloi
- Hollie Smith
- House Of Downtown
- House Of Shem
- I Am Giant
- Igelese
- Ill Semantics
- Inchworm
- Incursa
- Indigenous Funk Company
- International Flannel
- Inverse Order
- Isaac Aesili
- Iva Lamkum
- Ivy Lies
- J Williams
- Jackie Bristow
- Jackie Thomas
- Jakob
- James Gaylyn
- James Milne
- Jan Hellriegel
- Jason Kerrison
- Jayson Norris
- Jean-Paul Satre Experience
- Jermaine
- Jess Chambers
- Jesse Sheehan
- Jester
- Jody Lloyd
- Joe Dukie
- Joe Lonie
- John Cale
- Johnny Sagala
- Joint Force
- Jonathan Bree
- Jonny Love
- Jordan Luck
- Jordan Luck Band
- Jordan Reyne
- Jorge & The Woodcut Crew
- Josephine Costain
- Josh Leys
- JR
- Jules Issa
- Julia Deans
- Julien Dyne
- Jungle Fungus
- Junipah
- Juse
- K'Lee
- K.One
- Kantuta
- Kardinal Offishall
- Karen Hunter
- Kas The Field Style Orator
- Kat McDowell
- Katchafire
- Kids Of 88
- Kidz In Space
- Kimbra
- King Kapisi
- King Loser
- Kingsland Housing Project
- Kingston
- Kirsten Morrell
- Kitsch
- Kitsunegari
- Kora
- Korza
- KOS 163
- Ladi6
- Lapi Mariner
- Lavina Williams
- Lawrence Arabia
- Lazrus
- Lemuel
- Leno Lovecraft
- Let's Planet
- Levi Hawken
- Leza Corban
- Liam Finn
- Like You Crazy
- Lisa Crawley
- Little Bushman
- Little Pictures
- Lodger
- Lole
- Look Blue Go Purple
- Losing Face
- Lost Tribe
- Love Soup
- Loves Ugly Children
- Lucid 3
- Luger Boa
- Luke Buda
- Luke Thompson
- Lydia Cole
- Ma-V-Elle
- Madam Parker
- Magik Johnson
- Maia Rata
- Malchicks
- Mama Said
- Mana
- Manthyng
- Manuel Bundy
- Maree Sheehan
- Mareko
- Mark de Clive-Lowe
- Martin Phillipps And The Chills
- Marvey King
- Mary
- Marystaple
- Matty J
- Matty J Ruys
- Mattyeux
- MC OJ And Rhythm Slave
- MC Twincam
- Mi-Sex
- Michelle Kazor
- Michelle Rounds
- Midnight Youth
- Mighty Asterix
- Mightyscoop
- Mikey Havoc
- Milon Williams
- Mink
- Minuit
- Miriam Clancy
- Misfits Of Science
- Mo'Reece
- Moana and the Moahunters
- Moizna
- Monsta Ganjah
- Motocade
- Mr Boinkin And The Kurnel MC
- Mt Raskil Preservation Society
- Muckhole
- Mulholland
- Mumsdollar
- My Conviction
- My Life Story
- Mz J
- Nat Rose
- Natalie Elms
- Nathan Haines
- Nathan King
- Neil Robinson
- Nephew
- Nesian Mystik
- Ngaire
- Nicolette
- Niki Ahu
- Niko
- Nixons
- No Artificial Flavours
- NOM*d
- North Shore Pony Club
- Nothing At All!
- Nurture
- Nytmare
- OG
- Olmecha Supreme
- One Million Dollars
- One-Two
- Opensouls
- Opossom
- Opshop
- Orchestra of Spheres
- Otara Phil-Harmonic
- Over The Atlantic
- P Digsss
- P-Money
- P.H.F.
- Pacifier
- PanAm
- Parallel Dance Ensemble
- Parks
- Pash
- Patriarch
- Paul Bob
- Paul McLaney
- Paul Ubana Jones
- Pearl
- Pearl Runga
- Percieve
- Pete Fountain
- Peter Stuyvesant Hitlist
- Phil Fuemana
- Pieter T
- Pine
- Pistol Youth
- Pitch Black
- Pluto
- Polly Prior
- Pop Art Toasters
- Princess Chelsea
- Propeller
- Pumpkinhead
- Purest Form
- Purrr
- Push Push
- Rachel Fraser
- Rascalz
- Reb Fountain
- Rebecca Le Harle
- Recloose
- Red Alert
- Redline
- Revolver
- Rhian Sheehan
- Rhombus
- Rikki Morris
- Rob Vegas
- Robert Scott
- Rodney Fisher
- Rosie Riggir
- Rubicon
- Ruby Frost
- Ryad
- S.P.U.D.
- Saccie
- Sage
- Salmonella Dub
- Salvi Stone
- Sam Hunt
- Samuel Flynn Scott
- Sandy Mill
- SansAmp
- Sara-Jane
- Sarah Brown
- Satellite Spies
- Savage
- Savant
- School For Birds
- Schumacher
- Scorched Earth Policy
- Scribe
- Second Child
- Semi Lemon Kola
- Semi MCs
- Seth Haapu
- Seven Suns
- Shaft
- Shapeshifter
- Sharpie Crows
- She's Insane
- Shihad
- Shocking Pinks
- Shona Laing
- Shore Syndicate
- SideKickNick
- Simple Day
- Sina
- Sisters Underground
- Skeptics
- Sleepy Kid
- Slim
- Smashproof
- Smoothy
- Snapper
- Sneaky Feelings
- Snort
- So So Modern
- Soane
- Sola Monday
- Sola Rosa
- Solaa
- Solid Gold Hell
- Solomon
- Solstate
- Sommerset
- Sophie Moleta
- Soul Syndicate
- Southside of Bombay
- Spa
- Space Dust
- Spacifix
- Spikey Tee
- Splitter
- Spring Break
- Springloader
- Starlett
- State Of Mind
- Stayfree Carefree
- Stellar*
- Stephanie Tauevihi
- Steriogram
- Steve Abel
- Stoods
- Straitjacket Fits
- Strawpeople
- Street Chant
- Streetwise Scarlet
- Stu Strawbridge
- Stylus
- Sulata
- Superette
- Supergroove
- Surf City
- Surf Friends
- Sweet & Irie
- T54
- Tadpole
- Tahuna Breaks
- Tall Dwarfs
- Tama Renata
- Tangled
- Taye Williams
- Te Kupu
- Te Vaka
- Ted Brown
- Ted Brown And The Italians
- Temple Jones
- Teremoana Rapley
- Tex Pistol
- Tha Feelstyle
- The 3Ds
- The Accelerants
- The Backyard
- The Bats
- The Big Man
- The Black Dahlias
- The Black Seeds
- The Body Electric
- The Boxcar Guitars
- The Brain Slaves
- The Brainchilds
- The Braxton Hicks
- The Brunettes
- The Cakekitchen
- The Chalk
- The Checks
- The Chills
- The Clean
- The Courtneys
- The Criminal Lawyer
- The D4
- The Datsuns
- The Decoders
- The Earlybirds
- The Electric Confectionaires
- The Exiles
- The Exponents
- The Fanatics
- The Fat Monks
- The Feelers
- The Front Lawn
- The Golden Awesome
- The Gordons
- The Great Unwashed
- The Hasselhoff Experiment
- The Have
- The Holy Toledos
- The Katene Sisters
- The Livids
- The Lookie Loos
- The Madison Press
- The Mint Chicks
- The Mots
- The Mutton Birds
- The Naked And Famous
- The Narcs
- The New Freedom
- The New Trends
- The Newmatics
- The Nomad
- The Phoenix Foundation
- The Pits
- The Postures
- The Rabble
- The Reduction Agents
- The Relaxomatic Project
- The Renderers
- The Rickshaws
- The Ross Brothers
- The Ruby Suns
- The Short Shorts
- The Sneaks
- The Stereo Bus
- The Subliminals
- The Transistors
- The Tribe
- The Tufnels
- The Tutts
- The Unusuals
- The Valves
- The Veils
- The Verlaines
- The WBC
- The Weather
- These Four Walls
- These Wilding Ways
- Thomas Oliver
- Thorazine Shuffle
- Thought Creature
- Throw
- Tiki Taane
- Tim Finn
- Tim Guy
- Timmy Schumacher
- Tiny Ruins
- Tokyo Street Gang
- Tommy
- Tommy Ill
- Tono And The Finance Company
- Total Magenta
- Totems
- Tourist
- Toy Love
- Trei
- Trigger Theory
- Trillion
- TrinityRoots
- Trip To The Moon
- True Bliss
- True Lovers
- Tuffi Culture
- Tyna
- Tyna & JB
- Tyna Keelan
- Tyra Hammond
- Tyree
- Unique
- Unitone Hifi
- Upper Hutt Posse
- Urban Disturbance
- Urban Pacifika Records
- Vickie Evans
- Vince Harder
- Voom
- Wash
- Wayne Gillespie
- We Are Romans
- Weta
- When The Cat's Away
- When The Cat's Been Spayed
- Whiz Kidz
- Wise
- With Hope
- Wordperfect
- World Gone Wild
- Young & Ruthless
- Young Sid
- Yulia
- Zed
- Zeisha
- Zen Mantra
- Zowie